THREADS & FASTENERS - Unified National Threads

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Unified National Threads


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Unified National Thread Note Components


After drawing a thread, we need to identify the size and thread form in a thread note.



The following items are included in a thread note.


  1. Major Diameter: The largest diameter.


  1. Threads per inch: Number of threads per inch for a particular diameter. This is equal to one over the pitch (1/P).


  1. Thread Form and Series: The shape of the thread cut.


  • UNC = Unified National coarse. For general use.
  • UNF = Unified National fine. Used when high degree of tightness is required.
  • UNEF = Unified National extra fine. Used when length of engagement is limited (Example: Sheet metal).


  1. Thread Class: Closeness of fit between the two mating threaded parts. A thread class of 2 is assumed if none is stated.


  • 1 = Generous tolerance. For rapid assembly and disassembly.
  • 2 = Normal production
  • 3 = High accuracy


  1. External or Internal Threads:


  • A = External threads
  • B = Internal threads


  1. Right handed or Left handed Thread:


  • RH = Right handed (right handed threads are assumed if not stated.)
  • LH = Left handed


  1. Depth of thread: The thread depth is given at the end of the thread note and indicates the thread depth for internal threads. This is not the tap drill depth.



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